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    This race ended 02/19/20 - check out the final activity below.

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    • AlienLizzie Feb 19, 2020
      2.7 miles
      2.7 miles of running/Walking = 2.7 miles
      The last 2.7 miles of the race, walking round the neighborhood.
       6th Longest personal run of this race.  Finished in 2nd place.
    • PureBloodPrince Feb 19, 2020
      1.0 miles
      1.0 mile of running/Walking = 1.0 mile
      Had get a little bit in. Next time I'll do better. Promise. Great work guys!!!
    • AlienLizzie Feb 19, 2020
      1.7 miles
      20.0 minutes of aerobic fitness class = 1.7 miles
      1 hr of LightSaber training, but only 23 mins of recorded motion so I'm claiming that and see what conversion I get ( NOT part of 2020 miles in 2020)
       8th Longest personal run of this race.
      That looks pretty awesome, coolest session logged here for sure!
    • CaptainData Feb 19, 2020
      3.1 miles
      3.12 miles of running/Walking = 3.12 miles
      Jamming the rocks CD on the elliptical, 42 minutes of running time, increasing my cadence from 143 to 151. Great motivation and a good finish to this race. Liked it!
       6th Longest personal run of this race.  Finished in 1st place.
    • CaptainData Feb 19, 2020
      4.5 miles
      4.54 miles of running/Walking = 4.54 miles
      Pain free jog, hurray! I was slow by my standards but it felt good!
       4th Longest personal run of this race.  Passed 1 runner.
    • AlienLizzie Feb 19, 2020
      6.5 miles
      6.5 miles of running/Walking = 6.5 miles
      02/19 - 6.5 miles walked for #snekswithfeet in the warm sun. Saw nice views, pretty flowers and a friendly turtle #2020milesin2020
       4th Longest personal run of this race.  3rd Longest personal streak grows to 85 days at 5.79 miles/day.  Passed 1 runner.
    • Daedin Feb 19, 2020
      2.7 miles
      4.3 kilometers of running/Walking = 2.7 miles
      Probably my last entry here! The usual 2.8 daycare km as well as 1.5 km afternoon walk. This has been such a joy to do, hope we'll do the other free one some day, too 😊🐍💚 #snekswithfeet thank you for participating and organising this!!
       10th Longest personal run.
    • CaptainData Feb 19, 2020
      1.1 miles
      1.07 miles of running/Walking = 1.07 miles
      Running errands
       9th Longest personal run of this race.  4th Longest personal streak grows to 15 days at 5.59 miles/day.
    • TheSlowSnail Feb 19, 2020
      6.2 miles
      6.2 miles of running/Walking = 6.2 miles
      First 10k since around June last year. 1h21 isn't too shabby at all by my standards. Properly exhausted now.
       Longest personal run of this race.  Passed 1 runner.
      Well done! That's a pretty good speed. I have to struggle to get under 13 pace and haven't done that in months. I walked my 10K today so you're amazing in my book!
    • Daedin Feb 19, 2020
      2.1 miles
      3.36 kilometers of running/Walking = 2.09 miles
      Ok, today I'm trying to get as much in as possible!! Ran to the healthcare provider but didn't have the required photocopy with me, so a good reason to run tomorrow, too, haha!!
       4th Longest personal run of this race.  5th Longest personal streak grows to 6 days at 2.99 miles/day.
    • AlienLizzie Feb 18, 2020
      7.1 miles
      7.1 miles of running/Walking = 7.1 miles
      7.10 slow miles for #snekswithfeet in the neighborhoods, after a day of errands and 4+ hours of yard work. With pavers, paver sand and sod I definitely got some circuit training in, but my legs and back are sore. My goal was at least 8.1 miles, so I'm a mile short but gotta listen to my body and call it a night. No photos from walking in the dark, but did snapshot some beautiful roses while shopping earlier. #2020milesin2020
       Longest personal run of this race.  3rd Longest personal streak grows to 84 days at 5.75 miles/day.
    • CaptainData Feb 18, 2020
      2.1 miles
      2.1 miles of running/Walking = 2.1 miles
      Rocking the elliptical to the beat of rock'n'roll
       5th Longest personal run of this race.
    • PureBloodPrince Feb 18, 2020
      3.0 miles
      3.0 miles of running/Walking = 3.0 miles
      Just a test with trackers. Keep fighting guys you've got this!!!!
       2nd Longest personal run of this race.
    • TheSlowSnail Feb 18, 2020
      0.8 miles
      0.8 miles of running/Walking = 0.8 miles
       3rd Longest personal run of this race.
    • Daedin Feb 18, 2020
      1.7 miles
      2.8 kilometers of running/Walking = 1.7 miles
      The usual distance to the daycare. Not sure if I'll do more, feeling kind of tired. #snekswithfeet
       4th Longest personal run of this race.  5th Longest personal streak grows to 5 days at 3.17 miles/day.
    • CaptainData Feb 18, 2020
      5.1 miles
      5.11 miles of running/Walking = 5.11 miles
      Walking to my workplace and back
       3rd Longest personal run of this race.  4th Longest personal streak grows to 14 days at 5.76 miles/day.
    • AlienLizzie Feb 17, 2020
      2.7 miles
      2.65 miles of running/Walking = 2.65 miles
      2.65 miles at night in the neighborhood. Tried to utilize AtlasGo Live a second time, and it gave me 3 miles, although my phone tracker on GPS said 2.65
       4th Longest personal run of this race.
      Congrats you've done a marathon!
    • PureBloodPrince Feb 17, 2020
      0.7 miles
      0.7 miles of running/Walking = 0.7 miles
      Bit test with trackers. Keep fighting guys. We've got this
       3rd Longest personal run of this race.
    • AlienLizzie Feb 17, 2020
      6.5 miles
      6.55 miles of running/Walking = 6.55 miles
      6.55 miles around the neighborhoods miles for #2020milesin2020
       2nd Longest personal run of this race.  3rd Longest personal streak grows to 83 days at 5.70 miles/day.
    • CaptainData Feb 17, 2020
      1.5 miles
      1.53 miles of running/Walking = 1.53 miles
       4th Longest personal run of this race.
    • CaptainData Feb 17, 2020
      0.6 miles
      0.58 miles of running/Walking = 0.58 miles
      Test run
       7th Longest personal run of this race.  4th Longest personal streak grows to 13 days at 5.69 miles/day.
    • Daedin Feb 17, 2020
      0.6 miles
      1.0 kilometer of running/Walking = 0.6 mile
      Evening walk with my girl #snekswithfeet
       5th Longest personal run of this race.
    • TheSlowSnail Feb 17, 2020
      4.0 miles
      4.0 miles of running/Walking = 4.0 miles
      Best run in ages. 🙂 4 miles without walking - not done that in months.
       Longest personal run of this race.
    • TheSlowSnail Feb 17, 2020
      1.3 miles
      1.3 miles of running/Walking = 1.3 miles
      First time testing my new Garmin :) Actual proper run tonight.
       Longest personal run of this race.  Back after 464 days.
    • Daedin Feb 17, 2020
      3.7 miles
      5.9 kilometers of running/Walking = 3.7 miles
      3.1 km run into town to get my birthday run in and to shop some small stuff!! 😊🎂🥳💐 Also 2.8 km walk to my daughter's daycare and back two times.
       2nd Longest personal run of this race.  5th Longest personal streak grows to 4 days at 3.38 miles/day.
      Happy birthday sis 💚🐍
      Happy Birthday!! 🎂🎉
    • AlienLizzie Feb 16, 2020
      3.8 miles
      3.8 miles of running/Walking = 3.8 miles
      02/16 - 3.8 miles during my 2 hr break in between screenings but I got rained on and had to walk back soaked then change clothes, not even 4 miles for the day (the phone got wet and crashed the tracker at 1.69!). I still enjoyed the walk ironically. #2020milesin2020
       2nd Longest personal run of this race.  3rd Longest personal streak grows to 82 days at 5.69 miles/day.
    • Daedin Feb 16, 2020
      2.5 miles
      4.0 kilometers of running/Walking = 2.5 miles
      Today a walk to the bazaar and later to the playground with my girl #snekswithfeet
       10th Longest personal run.
    • CaptainData Feb 16, 2020
      3.7 miles
      3.7 miles of running/Walking = 3.7 miles
      Afternoon walk, beautiful but stormy day, 60°F!
       3rd Longest personal run of this race.  4th Longest personal streak grows to 12 days at 6.12 miles/day.
    • AlienLizzie Feb 15, 2020
      2.0 miles
      2.0 miles of running/Walking = 2.0 miles
      2.0 miles walking around Universal Resorts Path after the concert. When I say I'm gonna take the long way back to the parking lot to get miles, I ain't playing around. I even passed my truck and came back to make it an even 2 miles LOL
       2nd Longest personal run of this race.
    • AlienLizzie Feb 15, 2020
      0.6 miles
      0.6 miles of running/Walking = 0.6 miles
      0.60 of a mile jogging to get to the BBD concert at Universal Studios before they close the entry. My GPS wouldn't load so I tracked it rogue. Apparently I can keep a pace under 14 minutes even with 2 security stops when I'm motivated.
       4th Longest personal run of this race.
    • CaptainData Feb 15, 2020
      1.2 miles
      1.21 miles of running/Walking = 1.21 miles
      Evening walk
       3rd Longest personal run of this race.
    • AlienLizzie Feb 15, 2020
      0.8 miles
      0.8 miles of running/Walking = 0.8 miles
      0.80 of a mile walking out of the park to the car. So much of the park renovations have sections blocked off that apparently the exit starts before you even pass the globe.
       3rd Longest personal run of this race.
    • AlienLizzie Feb 15, 2020
      1.2 miles
      1.2 miles of running/Walking = 1.2 miles
      1.22 mile on a mission through EPCOT to get an art print for the autograph signing. It was continuous and intentional (and it wasn't for FRC/PHRC) so I'm counting it. #2020milesin2020
    • AlienLizzie Feb 15, 2020
      0.5 miles
      0.5 miles of running/Walking = 0.5 miles
      0.50 of a mile (walking the parking lot to entrance instead of taking the tram) meeting my friends in EPCOT to take Butterfly pics
       3rd Longest personal run of this race.
    • AlienLizzie Feb 15, 2020
      1.2 miles
      1.2 miles of running/Walking = 1.2 miles
      1.2 mile walk around the neighborhood for #2020milesin2020
       2nd Longest personal run of this race.  3rd Longest personal streak grows to 81 days at 5.65 miles/day.  Passed 1 runner.
    • PureBloodPrince Feb 15, 2020
      4.5 miles
      4.5 miles of running/Walking = 4.5 miles
      Today was a long run. Pretty good feeling after got started!!!! Have keep my " Father" happy!!!!
       Longest personal run of this race.
    • Daedin Feb 15, 2020
      1.2 miles
      2.0 kilometers of running/Walking = 1.2 miles
      Today not much to contribute, hope I get more in tomorrow #snekswithfeet
       2nd Longest personal run of this race.  Passed 1 runner.
    • CaptainData Feb 15, 2020
      12.3 miles
      12.33 miles of running/Walking = 12.33 miles
      Long run on a beautiful day. Wanted a half but stopped at the bakery and then couldn't get going again, cold and hungry. Took the tram home.
       8th Longest personal streak grows to 11 days at 6.23 miles/day.  8th Longest personal run.
    • PureBloodPrince Feb 14, 2020
      1.0 miles
      1.0 mile of running/Walking = 1.0 mile
      Had start of course. Had earn Garmin badge too!!!
       Longest personal run of this race.  Back after 11 days.
    • CaptainData Feb 14, 2020
      1.0 miles
      1.0 mile of running/Walking = 1.0 mile
      Doing a mile on the elliptical
       3rd Longest personal run of this race.  Passed 1 runner.
    • AlienLizzie Feb 14, 2020
      7.0 miles
      7.0 miles of running/Walking = 7.0 miles
      02/14 - 7 miles - My first training jog in a while was slower than I wanted and got rained on before mile 3. Still enjoyed the trek, but only able to keep a 14:13 pace. Previously walking 15 miles a day makes it difficult to condition back to a jogging pace, but I'll get there.
       Longest personal run of this race.  3rd Longest personal streak grows to 80 days at 5.70 miles/day.  Passed 2 runners.
    • CaptainData Feb 14, 2020
      0.6 miles
      0.56 miles of running/Walking = 0.56 miles
      Slow jog home after having stuffed my face 😂
       3rd Longest personal run of this race.
    • Daedin Feb 14, 2020
      6.1 miles
      9.84 kilometers of running/Walking = 6.11 miles
      Combined runs/walks today: 1.4 km to my daughter's daycare and back, done twice 2.24 km walk with baby stroller 4.8 km run with baby stroller for the valentine's running day by saucony!! #snekswithfeet
       Back after 102 days.  3rd Longest personal run.
      I love that you're using the hashtag. I have to remember it next time, too
      @Spot i got so used to hashtags in racery, it just doesn't feel the same without some, haha!! 😜
    • CaptainData Feb 14, 2020
      1.2 miles
      1.16 miles of running/Walking = 1.16 miles
      Running to have lunch with my friends
       2nd Longest personal run of this race.
    • CaptainData Feb 14, 2020
      5.3 miles
      5.27 miles of running/Walking = 5.27 miles
      Long run with my friend. Happy Valentine's Day!
       Longest personal run of this race.  8th Longest personal streak grows to 10 days at 5.00 miles/day.
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    This race ended 02/19/20 - check out the final activity here.

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    • CaptainData Feb 19, 2020
      4 hours to go. Who has miles or other activities to log?
    • CaptainData Feb 18, 2020
      Last 26:20 hours of this race, let's gooooo team!
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    About + Join

    • From: Le Cugnon, France
    • To: Chamonix, France
    • Start date: February 14, 2020
    • End date: February 19, 2020
    • 0:00 EST
    • 23:59 EST
    • Route distance: 42.6 miles
    • Total logged: 130.7 miles
    Just sneks going for a hike in the French Alps. Keep the momentum going after hybrid week and Happy Valentine's Day to y'all!

    Run anywhere you want. Then log activity and see yourself move on our map and leaderboards. Catch a Google street view of your virtual locale, then cheer your real fellow racers! Share your bib on social media! Brag about your streaks or longest runs!

    We've got racers all over the globe! So to keep everyone on the same page, we've come up with some handy guidelines:
    1. We rely on the honor system... you don't have to use a device to prove your miles -- a good map suffices.
    2. No step counting, please use intentional miles
    3. Only running miles please! (NOTE: miles on a racer's personal log are for all races they are in, across all sports)
    4. Please attribute your activity to the appropriate day -- don't combine workouts from multiple days.
    5. Please only backdate logs for a race up to two weeks in the past.
    6. Activities submitted after the race ends will not count toward race leaderboards.
    No mileage submitted yet.